Due to changes in the work of providers, additional data is required to top up phones: top-up amount

Batch file format description

The XML-file for payments to purses has the following structure:

<payments xmlns="http://tempuri.org/ds.xsd">
        <Destination></Destination> - destination purse
        <Amount></Amount> - transfer amount
        <Description></Description> - transfer description (less than 235 symbols)
        <Id></Id> - not necessary to perform the service

Example (purses.xml):

<payments xmlns="http://tempuri.org/ds.xsd">
        <Description>Test transfer to Z-purse</Description>
        <Description>Test transfer to E-purse</Description>

CSV file structure

The CSV file contains values shown in a table and ordered in such a way that each value in a column is separated from the value in the next column by ";" character, and each new row begins a new line. If there is ";" character used in the description, this line should be taken in double quotes.

CSV format file:

<Destination purse>; <Sum>; <Description (less than 235 symbols)>; <payment number>

Example (purses.csv):

Z123456789012;1.01;WMZ, test;12345
E123456789012;2;"Euro payments; test";

Warning! All batches must not include payments of less than

  • 0.5 WMZ;
  • 0,0011 WMG;
  • 0,5 WMK;
  • 1300 WMY;
  • 0.7 WME;
  • 0.5 WMB;
  • 1 WMT;
  • 1 WMF;
  • 1 WML;
  • 1 WMH;

*the exception are batches with 5 or less payments

II. XML file for phones payments has the following structure:

        <Destination></Destination> - phone number(account)
        <Contractor></Contractor> - operator/provider
        <Currency></Currency> - currency
        <Description></Description> - payment description (less than 235 symbols)
        <TopupAmount></TopupAmount> - amount in the provider's currency

Example (phones.xml):

        <Description>Phone #1</Description>
        <Description>Phone #2</Description>

CSV file structure

The CSV file contains values shown in a table and ordered in such a way that each value in a column is separated from the value in the next column by ";" character, and each new row begins a new line. If there is ";" character used in the description, this line should be taken in double quotes.

CSV format file:

<phone number(account)>; <Contractor>; <Amount>; <Currency>; <Description (less than 235 symbols)>; <TopupAmount>

Example (phones.csv):

9031234567;2;1;WMZ;phone payment in WMZ;50

where currency - the currency type: WMZ etc.;
contractor - the contractor(provider) number from list you can find here
topup amount - amount in the provider's currency